Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Sunni POV

Matt Yglesias posts about what Sunni leaders are telling their people. In short: 1) we were defeated and went to them for help in pursuing al-Qaeda, 2) they are not a minority and will not submit to Shia rule, 3) we should leave immediately, 4) we make things worse, 5) it's okay to attack our troops. I guess Bush must be talking to different Iraqis than everyone else.


Anonymous said...

Matt is taking a bit of a narrow view on this. I'm certainly not pro war, but to assume that the Sunnis are publicizing truth to their constituents is as silly as assuming that our leaders are telling us the complete truth. Especially in an "honor culture," where to admit any sort of defeat or even weakness is seen as unspeakable and cowardly. There is more to this unholy war than we are seeing, but to assume that Bush is war mongering for the sake of legacy is a left-wing media propilgated message to assist their side in an upcoming election...

Captain Noble said...

Well, I'm not sure Matt necessarily thinks the Sunni leaders are spouting truths. I don't even think that their version of events completely lines up with the average Sunni's thoughts. I do think that Bush has not been honest about the reality of events in Iraq and that things like this reflect that. Polls have shown that a large chunk of Iraqis, Sunni and Shia, want us to leave and think it's okay to attack us.

And I don't think that Bush is "war mongering" for any legacy. I think that Bush is ignorant of history (see Russia in Afghanistan, France in Algeria, England in Ireland) and honestly believes that we are doing the right thing because we are America and can do no wrong. That's what I think is so scary about Bush and his administration.