Saturday, September 29, 2007

Scandal Prone or Just in the Spotlight and All Too Human

CNN has an article about the recent Juanita Bynum scandal and asks whether Pentecostal preachers are more prone to it than other movements. This quote from the article is the best answer to that question:

But Anthea Butler, a professor of religion at the University of Rochester in New York believes Pentecostals are no more trouble-prone than other Protestants. "The same sort of thing is happening to Baptists and Presbyterians," she says. "Except for one big thing. They are not media figures." Notes Charisma's Grady: "There's something about someone who is excited about the things of the Holy Spirit that makes them want to get up and proclaim it" — often on TV. "But you'd better have character, or there's going to be a national scandal."

Exactly. If you are going to be in front of millions of people, you better keep your skeletons in the closet or they're going to end up a big deal even if it is something stupid that wouldn't do more than cause a rolling of the eyes or a raised eyebrow if your neighbor or co-worker did it.


Deborah Simmons Garcia said...

Television is a way to fame, but not a way to being a servant of the one true God.

Often those that take too much stock in themselves in pride will fall.It is not as much a fact of them being Pentecostal, as it is a fact of their glory seeking. This is against scripture, and because of their enticement with their own selves they continue to break the laws of God which lend themselves to humility and lifting up the LORD.

As they continue in their disregard, they are bound to fall because of their pride in their own accomplishments. Jesus was not self seeking; he was not decorated with fine apparel, silver and gold. He was not flashy, He was a servant, and as a servant He sought more to serve than to be glorified and seen. He helped many, and still does. No failure in Him.

Juanita Bynum has disregarded the word of the LORD to her, as she sought a glamorous appeal. She disregards the word of the LORD in leaving her husband; she continues to disregard the word of the LORD in filing for divorce. She has no BIBLICAL grounds for divorce.

Perhaps she should have chosen to be wife of a meek and quiet spirit and be a true helper to her husband in obedience to the word of the LORD.

We are continually admonished by scripture to walk in the newness of life; this is a life of self-searching and repentance before the LORD.

I believe this is not her first failed marriage? She was divorced in 1985

As in JB her outward apperance

Captain Noble said...

"It is not as much a fact of them being Pentecostal, as it is a fact of their glory seeking."

That's what I was trying to get at. Whoever you are and whatever your beliefs are, if you have an audience and you tell people how to live their lives, their will be scandal if you are found to not be practicing what you preach.